When exactly will we be able to fund with our xumm wallets? all the hurdles trying to fund with binance , coinbase ect. is still not working for me

hi Crypto Corey sir you wrote few place to top up few XRP to start staking game so can you top up my eXRP wallet. so I start my game. until Coinbase commerce issue not solve...

hi Corey sir you wrote few place to top up few XRP to start staking game so can you top up my eXRP wallet. so I start my game. until Coinbase commerce issue not solve...

I dont know whoever from all of us had appreciated all the team of cryptoland but from everyone i am very thankful and wondered, that the work is done by all the team & correy .feeling very blessed to being the part of this community. Cryptoland team and correy proved at the end, that patience pays everything what you want. once again Love you all team and correy love you brother , we will always be first in the world i believe 💯❤️🔥#cryptocorrey

Crypto Corey clear this Sir


Gaming Funds Not Credited - Seeking Assistance
I wanted to bring to your attention an issue I've been experiencing with my gaming account. I made a payment for gaming funds over 24 hours ago, but the funds have not been credited to my account as of yet.
Order Code:4T5LJNZ8

I've already reached out to the platform's Submit support ticket, but a Server Error 505 ,so I wanted to share my experience with the community and see if anyone else has faced a similar situation or could offer guidance. Crypto Corey .


Gaming Funds Not Credited - Seeking Assistance
I wanted to bring to your attention an issue I've been experiencing with my gaming account. I made a payment for gaming funds over 24 hours ago, but the funds have not been credited to my account as of yet.
Order Code:4T5LJNZ8

I've already reached out to the platform's Submit support ticket, but a Server Error 505 ,so I wanted to share my experience with the community and see if anyone else has faced a similar situation or could offer guidance. Crypto Corey .


Gaming Funds Not Credited - Seeking Assistance
I wanted to bring to your attention an issue I've been experiencing with my gaming account. I made a payment for gaming funds over 24 hours ago, but the funds have not been credited to my account as of yet. I understand that the transfer fee was been deducted from the same transferred amount .
Order Code:4T5LJNZ8

I've already reached out to the platform's Submit support ticket, but a Server Error 505 ,so I wanted to share my experience with the community and see if anyone else has faced a similar situation or could offer guidance. Crypto Corey .

AJIT KUMAR OURAN changed his profile picture
1 y


@ Dear Crypto Corey and whole Crypto Land developers, thank you to all of you.
after a long time waiting finally Rent and Mining.starts.
Feeling so happy 😊 and excited.
Thank you again.
